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Keeping Up With Cheetah (Bilingual Children's Book) - Nepali-English

Keeping Up with Cheetah - Bilingual children's book about friendship supports social and emotional learning. Available in Chinese, Farsi, Kurdish, Spanish, Urdu, and many more foreign languages. Inspiring story for diverse classrooms.
A charming story about the value of friendship and what it means to be a good friend.
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ISBN: 9781846114427
Our Price: $16.95
Sale Price: $15.50

Product Code: CHEETNE


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Keeping Up With Cheetah (Bilingual Children's Book) - Nepali/English
Author: Lindsay Camp
Illustrator: Jill Newton

Cheetah wants a friend - a friend as fast as him. But poor Hippo can't keep up, and is left in the dust. This clever story is about the value of friendship. Young children will learn about what it means to be a good friend.

To access lessons and activities that use this book, visit our Free Multicultural Lesson Plans page.


Cheetah loves telling jokes and Hippopotamus loves to listen and laugh at Cheetah’s jokes – even when they aren’t very funny! This synergy makes them the best of friends. There is only one problem: Hippopotamus can’t run very fast, so he can’t keep up with Cheetah.Cheetah goes in search of a better friend, one who will appreciate his jokes and be able to run with him.

Hippopotamus is so sad, and tries to practice running, but eventually realizes he will never be able to keep up with Cheetah. He decides to do what he loves best, and goes for a “good, long, deep, muddy, wallow."

Cheetah makes friends with fast-running Ostrich, but Ostrich doesn’t like jokes. Next Cheetah tries Giraffe, who is too tall to hear his jokes. Hyena just laughs at Cheetah’s jokes, without even listening to them! Cheetah recognizes that he really needs a “different sort of friend” - one who appreciates his humor – one like Hippopotamus.
But when he goes looking for Hippopotamus, he can’t find him.

Cheetah realizes “how silly he had been to lose such a good friend” as Hippopotamus. In his search for speedier friends, he had sacrificed something he realized was even more important to him.
Suddenly Cheetah sees Hippopotamus in the river. He approaches and delivers a knock-knock joke. As Hippopotamus laughs and laughs, we understand that Cheetah has learned an important lesson about friendship: friends should be cherished and appreciated for what they are, not criticized for what they aren’t.

This charming story delivers an important lesson in a compelling and winning manner, and its bright illustrations and understandable message is sure to please young readers.
- Maureen Pugh, Culture Connection Newsletter

Keeping Up with Cheetah (Bilingual Children's Book)
  • Paperback book

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review.

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 September 2, 2020
Reviewer: Paule F from Dallas, TX United States  

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Keeping Up with Cheetah July 16, 2020
Reviewer: Anonymous Person from Colorado Springs, CO United States  
This was the first bilingual book I ever ordered, and I honestly didn't know what to expect.  We're thrilled with it!  Beautiful watercolor illustrations, wonderful story, and great format.  Very prompt service from Language Lizard!

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