Aliens Love Underpants (Bilingual Children's Book) - Arabic/English Author: Claire Freedman Illustrator: Ben Cort
"When aliens fly down to earth They don't come to meet YOU They simply want your underpants - I'll bet you never knew!"
This silly, hilarious story is about aliens who are just ridiculous! It's a story that may make you laugh your pants off! THIS TITLE IS AVAILABLE IN MANY BILINGUAL EDITIONS.
As parents, many of us know that underpants are very important to little people, and this book capitalizes on that fascination. This humorous story, told in verse, talks about all different kinds of underpants, from spotted bloomers to frilly knickers. It turns out, aliens LOVE them! But “there are no underpants in space,” so these funny characters must travel to Earth to hide in them, put them on their heads or feet, and play with striped, polka dotted, and other absurdly colored and shaped undergarments.
The comical illustrations depict lively, multihued aliens - from a planet with monuments built to various underpants - crossing interstellar space in their bumper-stickered spaceships and reading their “Pants World” magazine. The book concludes with the very useful advice that before children put on their freshly-washed underpants, they should first be sure there aren’t any aliens playing inside! Fundamentally, this story is just plain silly, and thus appeals to the silliness in all of us. - Maureen Barlow Pugh, Culture Connection Newsletter
Low/Mid level text: 1-3 sentences per page.